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Visit to Ardmore Airport

A group of 20 Club members and friends visited Ardmore Airport on 5 March. We were warmly wecomed by the Airport CEO trevor Willcock at the Airport's conference facility with a coffee and a very informative talk about Ardmore's history, present activities and future development plans. The latter based on opportunities that exist to make greater use of the Airport's significant land holdings and create more commercial activity in conjunction with the aviation operations.

From the conference centre the group was taken by coach to the Unicom Control Tower where separate groups were taken up to the control centre and given a talk by the Unicom manager on the operational procedures applicable to Ardmore's general aviation activities. Unfortunately due to tarmac maintenance work there was little flying activity to obseerve fom the tower during the visit.

Escorted by Melanie Nelson PA to the CEO the group then moved on to the Warbirds visitor centre to view the stunning display of aircraft parked wing-to-wing, nose-to-tail in a pristine hangar. Also on display were photographs and detailed history of RNZAF activities linked to Ardmore and general operations in the second world war which were of considerable interest to members of the group who as individuals or whose relatives had served in the Air Force.

We then moved on the the Avspecs hangar where aircraft restoration work is carried out. Present restoration projects in the hangar are a spitfire MkXVI, wings for a second Mosquito awaiting the arrival of the fueslage and a Grumman Widgeon fuselage. Plenty of activity by very enthusiastic and dedicated staff in a very confined space. Some of the group then enjoyed lunch in the airport cafe.

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