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2015 Annual General Meeting

It was disappointing that only about 40 members attended the AGM on 10 June. Those of you who did attend were able to exchange views and ideas with your committee in a relaxed and informal setting and were treated to Tea/Coffee/Muffins and Scones at the conclusion of the meeting. We welcome our new President, Jo Foged, who has taken over from Tom Ryan and we thank Tom for his hard work and guidance over the past two years. Tom will remain on the committee as immediate past president.

All the other existing members have agreed to remain on the committee and we welcome the addition of John Hooper who has volunteered to join us. The full new committee is listed in the July newsletter.

Retiring President’s Report

Firstly, a warm welcome to you all, and to the new members. Our Club has had a very successful year, and I wish to thank all the committee for their sterling work. In particular I wish to acknowledge and thank Ian Steel, our secretary, and Roley Rackley, our treasurer for their key roles in making the Club “tick over”. I wish to mention the valued contribution made by Shelia Quirk a committee member for many years, who sadly passed away during the year.

We have had many enjoyable functions during the year, ranging from visiting Ardmore Aerodrome, a country garden and several lunch events. The planning for the Club’s 75th Anniversary of Air New Zealand’s celebratory luncheon, (to be held on the 28 July), has been a major undertaking by a sub-committee headed by Murray Robertson. This function, billed as “a unique once in a lifetime event” will be the function in the club’s calendar. I would also like to acknowledge Air New Zealand’s sponsorship of this special event, with thanks.

The development of the Club’s web page is almost complete, thanks to the dedicated work by John Roscoe, assisted by a sub-committee headed by Gary Collins. Membership has increased to 529, the 75th Luncheon event proving to be a stimulus. We welcome all new members – Please remember to invite your retired Air New Zealand staff friends to join up too.

This is my last AGM as President. Thank you all for your support over the past two years.

Tom Ryan

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