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Visit to Stardome and Planetarium

Approximately 25 members attended the Retirees' visit to the Stardome Observatory at Cornwall Park on Wednesday 1st March.This was a great occasion and commenced at 10.00am and lasted for just over one and a half hours.

Our presenter first of all gave our group a detailed overview of the universe, explaining the sizes and distances that are difficult to comprehend. This gave a good appreciation as to where Earth sits in Space.

We then went into the Planetarium and were presented with a stunning film entitled “Seven Wonders”. This was a visual treat where we journeyed back in time to the seven ancient wonders of the world, visiting the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Temple of Artemis, the Mausoleum, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. This was then followed by an amazing close-up view of planets and stars in our neighbourhood, with some truly stunningly beautiful Hubble images. This was all displayed as a 360 degree view on the dome roof.

The presenter then gave an explanation of what was currently visible in the Auckland night sky.

John Hooper with John and Gail Roscoe after the show.

A few attendees then enjoyed lunch at the Cornwall Park Café.

An extremely good outing and well worth the $5 fee charged by the Retired Staff Club

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