We have arranged a ”Welcome to Spring” Buffet Lunch in the Cafe at the North Shore Golf Club, which is located at the end of Appleby Road, off the Albany Highway, which in turn is off Upper Harbour Highway (SH18)
Date: Thursday 31 October 2019
Time: Meet at 11.30 for 12.30 lunch
There is ample parking at this venue
Cost: $30.00 per person
Bookings: Book online from our website (or mail a booking form - see the printed version of the newsletter below)
Your Club will provide a complimentary drink for all members and guests and then a cash bar is available for members to purchase further drinks.
CLICK HERE to view the buffet menu.

The Cafe looks out across the beautiful golf course towards Lucas Creek and the upper reaches of the Waitemata Harbour.
This lunch in Wellington’s Bar at the Waipuna Hotel and Conference centre was very well attended with 64 people registered, which would possibly have to be the most we have ever had for a lunch outing.
On the day, the weather was very kind to us and with high tide at midday it enhanced markedly the outlook across the Panmure Lagoon.
The Buffet was excellent with a good selection of food, both hot and cold dishes, dessert and cheese board. It was very pleasing to hear people saying how much they enjoyed the lunch and catching up with others. This was reflected in the fact that the Buffet Lunch commenced at 12 noon and people were still there at 2:30 pm.
Our Christmas Lunch this year will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at our usual venue, The Remuera Club.
Please make a note of this date and arrange to get together with your colleagues.
We extend a warm welcome to the following new members who have recently joined us and we look forward to meeting up with them at our regular functions:
Vern Scheffer who worked in Cargo from 1977 to 2012 (I had various jobs at Air NZ , started off in engineering and after 12 years moved to Intl cargo stayed there till I retired after serving 35 years)
Mike Lynch who worked in Engineering from 1970 to 2019 (Ex-apprentice, licenced aircraft engineer)
Since my last Almoner’s Report I can advise the following:
Robert Gordon (Bob) BROWNQSM, passed away at Waitakere Hospital on 13 August 2019, aged 90. Bob was the dearly loved husband of the late Lorraine, father and father-in-law of Suzi, Graeme and Jane, Peter and Theresa, Vicki and Pat, together with his wider family. A service to celebrate Bob’s life was held in Henderson on 16 August. Bob was an active contributor in many walks of life, consequently in 1987 being awarded a QSM for Public Services. For many years Bob was one of the most active and constructive members of our retirement club, only retiring from that role when his health made it necessary. All the many members of the Air NZ community who were touched by Bob’s personality and generosity will miss him.
Captain Nevill (Nobby) CLARKE, died at the Northbridge Retirement Home, Auckland on 22 August 2019 aged 90. Loved husband of the late Marie and much-loved father and father-in-law of Rod and Pam, Garth and Gavin. A service to celebrate life was held at the North Shore Memorial Park on 27 August. Nevill started his flying career by flying many different types of new military aircraft from the USA to Britain during WW2. After his wartime service, during which he was awarded a DFC, Nevill returned to NZ. He joined TEAL in May 1947 later being the captain of the then range of aircraft, retiring with the DC-10
Jaron GAYLARD, passed away on 11 August 2019. Jaron’s aviation engineering skills and his quirky sense of humour will be remembered fondly and sadly missed by his colleagues at the Overnight Line Maintenance Team at Auckland Airport.
Rene Jules SCHAUT, died peacefully at Auckland Hospital on 3 July 2019, the dearly loved husband of the late June. Loving father and father-in-law of Duncan and Nicky. Rene was well known in Mangere Base engineering. He had started work in the Engine shop and later in Component Planning. A memorial service for Rene was held in Mount Eden on 12 July.
James (Jim) RAWLINSON died recently in Thames, aged 93. Having started in the Hanger at Air NZ in the 1970’s. Jim will be fondly remembered for his skills as an aircraft maintenance engineer in the Hanger Quality Assurance team. After his retirement Jim settled in Thames (reportedly with a little black and white dog) where he had a full and interesting life.
Our condolences, very best wishes and kind regards are extended to all – Brian Cudby
Some members may be unaware that Staff Travel is available on Regional Services (previously known as Link Services)
Please note that the password for the “Members Only” section on our website changed on 29th July 2019 and the new password will be included in all emails sent to you. Information on the “members only” pages is confidential to current members and may not be reproduced or distributed.
Regular media releases are published online by Air New Zealand and you can access these from our website under the heading Links. Here are the headlines from some of the most recent Media releases but please visit our website to keep up to date.
11 September 2019 - Air New Zealand has taken out a top product award for the enhancements it's made to its Economy Skycouch™ to cater for the airline's youngest customers.
10 September 2019 - Air New Zealand has introduced te reo Māori as a language option on its New Zealand check-in kiosks and bag drops.
22 August 2019 - Air New Zealand today announced earnings before taxation for the 2019 financial year of $374 million, compared to $540 million in the prior period. Net profit after taxation was $270 million and operating cash flow was $986 million.
21 August 2019 - Air New Zealand will appoint an acting Chief Executive Officer while the final phase of recruitment is underway to replace Christopher Luxon when he leaves the role on September 25.
21 August 2019 - Air New Zealand and Cathay Pacific have welcomed the decision by the Minister of Transport Phil Twyford to re-authorise their joint venture alliance for a further five years to 31 October 2024.
14 August 2019 - Joint Venture partners Air New Zealand and Singapore Airlines will boost capacity between Auckland and Singapore with an additional 35,000 seats between the end of March and October, commencing in 2020.
1 August 2019 - Air New Zealand has today launched a new safety video Air All Blacks in support of the team during its 2019 season and as they prepare for Japan next month.
July 2019
30 July 2019 - Actor Rick Hoffman, who stars in a popular American drama series will star in the next Air New Zealand safety video, launching Thursday 1 August (NZT).
19 July 2019 - Air New Zealand is giving its Bali seasonal service a boost in 2020, increasing capacity on the route by 80 percent, or 30,000 additional seats, compared with the current season.
8 July 2019 - Air New Zealand has committed to increasing the number of single-use plastic items it will remove from its operation this year by more than double, from 24 million to nearly 55 million items.
5 July 2019 - Air New Zealand's Gas Turbines business has won a fourth significant contract to service 10 additional US Navy LM2500™ Power Turbines.
1 July 2019 - A teetotal tipple will reach new heights today with Air New Zealand introducing a new range of inflight cocktails featuring New Zealand's first artisan distilled, alcohol-free gin.
We remind all members that subscriptions are due immediately after being set at the AGM in June each year. This year the subscription will again remain at $10. Please forward your cheque to the Treasurer, Roley Rackley, payable to Air New Zealand Retired Staff Club (Northern) or credit it directly to the Club's bank account (12-3043-0231590-00 Reference "Subs" and your name).
Our club rules state that “Any member whose subscription is more than two years in arrears shall be deleted from the membership list”. Club newsletters, reunion lunches, special events and other member privileges are only available for financial members. If your subscription is current it will show " Paid to 2020" (or later if you have paid in advance).
If your membership is over two years in arrears it has therefore lapsed. If you wish to rejoin, you may do so by making a “catch up” payment of $30 to cover all arrears including the current year’s subscription.
Newsletters sent by post show your subscription status (paid to date) on the address label. If you now have access to an email account, please let us know your email address so we can email future newsletters and keep you informed of other special events or last minute changes. You can contact us from our website www.airnzretirees/contact.
If you received your newsletter by email, the message will include your subscription status at the time the email is sent.
Click here to download the printed version of this newsletter (pdf).