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July 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to 2020. This is the first Newsletter since the AGM held in June, and the Committee hope you are all well settled into post-COVID mode. We look forward to meeting with you at the next event planned for this year.


This is in "Cafe 1909" at Maungakiekie Golf Club.

  • Date: Thursday 27th August 2020

  • Where: “Café 1909” at Maungakiekie Golf Club, 5 Anita Avenue, Mt Roskill.

  • Time: Arrive at 11.30 am to socialise before lunch at 12.30 pm

  • Cost: The buffet meal is $28.00 per person and includes a bar tab operating from 11:30am. As you check in you will each receive 2 tickets to exchange for alcoholic and/or non alcoholic drinks, which will be paid for by your Club.

  • Bookings: Book online from our website (or mail a booking form included in the print version of the newsletter below). Partners are most welcome.

There is plenty of parking on site, but use the upper tier for easy access to the café facilities.

The café overlooks some of the most stunning views in Auckland across the course as far as the Waitakere Ranges and the Manukau Harbour Headland; all this within 15 minutes drive from Auckland CBD. Join us, enjoy this beautiful view and the company of your colleagues.

Buffet Menu


. A selection of multigrain wheat and rye bread rolls

. Olive oil and herbed baguette garlic bread


. Simple steamed vegetable salad with ginger sesame dressing

. Home style potato and egg salad with fresh chives and creamy honey mustard dressing


. Roasted chicken breast with creamy garlic sauce

. Roasted honey glazed ham carved from the bone to your plate

. Golden crust pan fried fish fillets

. Chinese sweet and sour pork

Roast vegetables

. Kumara and Pumpkin (all served individually with garlic and herbs and salt and pepper seasoning)


. Black Forest Gateau

. Vanilla Ice-cream

Tea and coffee included

If you wish to attend, please register online on our website or fill in a booking form (download the print version at the end of this newsletter). For those of you who already paid for the lunch that was cancelled, but did not request a refund, your payment has been held towards this next event.

NOTE: If you are in arrears with your subs you can add your overdue subscription to your lunch payment.

Reminder: Don't forget to wear your name badge. If you don't have one yet, see the purchase details on our website.


We welcomed 96 members to our remote AGM on 17th June 2020. 93 members used the online voting option, and 3 members used the postal voting option.

The election of officers and committee saw most members remaining on the committee.

Derek Clifford Howie is newly elected to the Committee. In June this year we bid farewell to Anne Jaggard. Our grateful thanks to Anne for the time and effort she contributed as Secretary. Antoinette Nelson has replaced Anne as the new Secretary.

All new Committee members and their contact details are on the Website.


We extend a warm welcome to the following new members who have recently joined us and we look forward to meeting up with them at our regular functions:

Trish (Patricia) MURPHY 1996-2020 - Akl Intl Cargo. Originally started with TE in 1978 and worked 5 years based in Rarotonga. Left for OE and returned to work at AKL Intl Cargo in 1996 where I have mostly been other than a 5 year stint over at AKL Pax Terminal Services. Took Voluntary Exit.

Kevin BELL1974-2020 - Engineering. In a career of 46 years I have worked in most parts of Engineering.

Cecilia SEYMOUR 1999-2020 - Akl Cargo. I Joined AIR NZ Nov 1999, have been in Cargo Operations Auckland since then till Voluntary Exit due to the COVID-19 and staff redundancies made available. I had a great time with the Cargo Whanau.

Chris NORMAN 1974-2010 - Engineering. Licenced Line Engineer Wellington Airport.

Kirsty JACKSON 1984-2020 - Cabin Crew. I've had an incredible 35 years of friendship, amazing destinations and experiences on and off the aircraft I’ve worked on: Focker Friendship, 737, 767,747 and finally 777.

Greg MANCE 1996-2020 - Engineering. I joined Air NZ in 1996 as a Planning Engineer. Moved to Reliability in 2004 & carried out the reliability for the jet fleet and 4 yrs of Tiger Air A320 fleet too. I left in 2020 as B787 Reliability Engineer.

Ernst WREDE 1988-2020 - IFS Cabin Crew. I started on 8th of February 1988, posted to Wellington after getting my wings. 32 years+ later I look back with pride and I am humbled to be able to call myself an AIR NZ'der. 5 years secondment to establish our Shanghai Base was my highlight.


Thomas Hilton Moody (Tom) passed away peacefully on Friday 19 June 2020, aged 84. Much loved father of Lindsay, Grant and Michelle. A service was held for Tom in Northcote on 25 June 2020. Tom joined the Company as a Flight Engineer in 1974, after previous RNZAF service. He served as a Flight Engineer until he retired in 1990. Following their father’s flight deck experience each of his two sons have been serving as pilots.

Our condolences, deepest sympathy and very best wishes are extended to all family members – Brian Cudby, Almoner


Regular media releases are published online by Air New Zealand and you can access these from our website under the heading Links.


If you are reading this online then you do have access to the website - please note that the password for the “Members Only” section on our website will change to ‘viscount’ as from Saturday 1 August. The information on the “members only” pages is confidential to current members and may not be reproduced or distributed.


Please add these important dates to your calendars:

  • Maungakiekie Golf Club lunch on Thursday 27 August 2020

  • The Xmas lunch will be on 2 December 2020 at the Remuera Club. Full details and a booking form will be published in the newsletter closer to the date.

SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB (Northern) News

Stephen Hills reported that:

  • The Air NZ Sports and Social Club Northern advised that Invoicing for the 2020/2021 year is underway. Everyone who is a member of that Club should have received the current subscription renewal invoice either by email or post, whichever is their agreed means of communication.

  • If paid up members of the Retirees Club have not yet received their invoice for this year’s subscription please get in touch with Cindy Taylor, Administrator for the Air NZ Sports and Social Club:

  • Regarding Access to the website for holiday home availability, the committee are still working on a solution at the present time. In the meantime the preference is to contact Cindy Taylor by email (preferred option) or by phone 021 797 362.


STAFF TRAVEL is operating for DOMESTIC TRAVEL ONLY until further notice.

Staff Travel Phone nos: (09) 336-3336 Fax: (09) 336 2868 Hrs: 0830-1700 Monday-Friday Email: – for all enquiries – for obtaining/returning your application form.

TAKE-A-BREAK is no longer operating


If you are reading this online, this next matter should not apply to you.

Until now, our printed newsletters have been printed and posted by Air New Zealand at no cost to our club. Unfortunately this is no longer an option, so reluctantly, we need to pass on this cost to those who wish to remain on our postal mailing list. After this current mailout there will be an annual charge of $10 per year to continue getting printed copies posted to you. This will be aligned with the Annual Club subscription, so it will entitle you to printed copies until the end of June 2021.

Alternatively – There is no cost if you have an email address we can send the online newsletters to, so please let us know as soon as possible if you can use this option by contacting us from the contact page on our website


We remind all members that subscriptions are due immediately after being set at the AGM each year. This year the subscription again remains at $10.

Please credit your subscription directly to the Club's bank account (12-3043-0231590-00) Reference "Subs" and your name).

Alternatively please forward a cheque to the Treasurer, Roley Rackley, payable to Air New Zealand Retired Staff Club (Northern)

Club newsletters, reunion lunches, special events and other member privileges are only available for financial members.

  • Newsletters sent by post show the subscription status (paid to date) on the address label.

  • If you received your newsletter by email, the message will include your subscription status at the time the email is sent. If your subscription is current it will show " Paid to 2021" (or later if you have paid in advance).

Click here to download a print version of this newsletter (pdf format).

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